While South Bank has immediate needs regarding cleaning and security, South Bank BID also considers the long-term health of the area’s Public Realm, and what strategic interventions need to be made.
South Bank BID has supported, lobbied for and helped fund a number of different Public Realm schemes, in partnership with a wide range of local stakeholders, to ensure their success and coordinated delivery.
Spine Route Regeneration
The Spine Route, which runs parallel to the river and is comprised of Belvedere Road, Chicheley Street and Upper Ground, is one of South Bank’s most important logistical routes. Concert Hall Approach also acts as the main entry point to the Queen’s Walk and the river for the millions of visitors that arrive at Waterloo Station every year.
However the road has not received any comprehensive upgrade or servicing for the past twenty years, leaving much of the route subject to general damage and wear and tear. To address this, South Bank BID has been advocating for, and subsequently working with Lambeth Council on a comprehensive regeneration of the entire Spine Route. With funding being unlocked for a regeneration scheme in 2018, the BID since then has been working collaboratively with the Council and local landowners to ensure the plan and delivery of the scheme aligns with the expectations of South Bank businesses.
The first part of the scheme, covering Chicheley Street and parts of Belvedere Road, was delivered in Summer 2022. The next phase will begin in late 2023, and will primarily cover Concert Hall Approach and the section of Belvedere Road behind Royal Festival Hall.
Spine Route Masterplan
Download and read the complete Spine Route Masterplan, published in Spring 2023 by Lambeth Council, here.
Waterloo Station Masterplan
Waterloo Station is London’s busiest railway station welcoming 100 million passenger journeys a year and acting as the crucial link with South Bank’s many attractions and the cultural institutions. In order to look toward what the station needs to be in the future, Network Rail, Lambeth Council and other local stakeholders including the BID have been working collaboratively on the Waterloo Station Masterplan.
The purpose of the plan is to boost passenger experience at the station, and to contribute to the regeneration of the local area. A multi-disciplinary team led by Grimshaw has been appointed to undertake the work on the masterplan, which should be completed by mid-to end-2023. New routes for walking and cycling are also part of Grimshaw’s brief, was well as enhancing existing thoroughfares. The BID has contributed to the development of the plan and also sits on the Steering Group, in order to ensure strategic alignment with how the plan connects into the rest of the South Bank.